A burglary is committed every 180 seconds in the United States. According to the FBI, homes that are protected with a monitored alarm systems and security surveillance cameras are 400% less likely to be burglarized. If you are looking for an easy-to-use and affordable way to keep your home and family safe, then you should consider a Home Security System.
SeaBreeze can help you with installing Alarm Systems, Security Surveillance Cameras, and Security Gate access systems. We understand that all homes are unique and that levels of security are personal choices. We will work with you to find the best solution for your home and family.
Here are the features users you should look for in your Alarm System Solution:
- Operates completely wirelessly, allowing alerts to be transmitted via cellular network.
- Detects a wide range of security threats, including broken glass, forced entry, fire, flooding, freezing, and carbon monoxide.
- Offers non-security options, such as energy saving controls and medical pendants for the elderly and disabled.
- Employs a free mobile application that alerts users to security issues and allows them to control security and energy options.
- Monitors users’ homes at all times and provides two way communication between the user and the monitoring center.
- Provides automatic backup in case of power outage with long lasting backup batteries.
If you are interested in a Home Security Solution, please call us today. We will schedule you for a Free Site Survey and provide you an estimate on the spot.